Susan Mendoza Beller is the Founder of RecipeForPeaceNow.
Her core mission as well as her passion is to promote tolerance and acceptance for every community of people across the globe. Through the teaching of mediation principles and strategies for work or life, she believes that we can positively change our world, one conversation at a time.
Beller has a BA in Political Science from the University of Illinois, as well as a Juris Doctor and LLM in Taxation from John Marshall Law School. She specializes in Business Law with an emphasis on Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Her private practice spans coast to coast.
Beller hosts a weekly online cross-cultural broadcast, emphasizing the practical application of the RecipeForPeaceNow values and principles.
Beller is the author of two books: “RecipeForPeaceNow” and “How To Get Along With Anyone: 63 Strategies For Success”.
She is an Associate Faculty member in the CityU MBA School of Management, and is actively involved in multiple organizations and non-profits including the British American Business Council (BABC-PNW), Seattle Philanthropic Advisors Network (SPAN), and the US Defense Department Military Child Coalition. She is also a member of Rotary International and Rotary Seattle4.